This is the Message from the Founder of Sushilhari Residential School,KELAMBAKKAM
Shri Siva Sankar BabaToday's education does not bring out the hidden talents in your children. To quote from Bernard Shaw, 'The educational institutions are places where diamonds are dimmed and pebbles are polished.' This is the piteous condition of our institutions today.
Children are forced to carry a heavy load of books, regardless of relevance; they have periodic unit tests and their homework is done by their parents. Children's lives have been mechanical and they have started nurturing a hatred for school life. The same children relish reading 'Amar Chitra Katha' stories at night, because these books are interesting.

So why have you not made the study lessons too, interesting? If you are able to create lessons as interesting as story books are, would not the children be eager to learn? A child that is able to view TV programmes till 12:00 midnight, would definitely learn lessons taught through the same medium.
We have introduced a new education plan. BUT WITH A DIFFERENCE!
Your child need not rush to catch the van in the morning. I have created a paradise at Kelambakkam. Your children will stay there, wake up in the morning to the music of the birds and nature's motherly touch, they will participate in the Yagna there, do some body building exercises at our well-equipped gym. They will get fresh milk from our dairy farm, good food cooked in healthy surroundings that will take care of their physical well being. They will be given excellent education. They will also have lot of spare time to play at our vast playground.
They will not 'bear the burden of books on their shoulders.' They will not have the burden of examination. They will be assessed on what they learn.
For instance, when you were young, you were taught 'There was 165cm. rainfall at Darjeeling.' For all you knew, Darjeeling could have been an elephant or a horse! You did not know what 165cm. meant. You will recite by rote, 'Emperor Asoka planted trees' and be awarded cent percent marks.
An education that never allowed you to understand what you were taught. a B.Com. graduate may not know to fill up a money order form or a credit coupon. a B.E. graduate would be at loss to rectify a fuse. What sort of education is this?

In our school, our children will learn whatever is required for a full-fledged personality. They will know painting, dance, music, yoga, karate, carpenting, plumbing, foreign languages; they will be chiseled into total personalities ready to face the world and swim against the current, if need be. Their school desk education will be for five hours only. Rest of the time, they will learn to master other topics. The latent potential in each student will be tapped - gently but firmly. Our aim is to make children totally able, self-confident citizens. I have brought the best books, audio cassettes from across the world. I have set up an in-house theater, a ready made swimming pool. Your children will start loving school and will want to stay back even during holidays.
I have created this school on such a psychological plane.
We have come to make a mark on this world. A time is nearing when the world will speak of us. We know each other. We know our potential. It is no big deal talking about our accomplishments. Let us just keep doing our duty. The world will speak of us one day. I have already stated as my quotation, 'World's envy, God's pride'. Samratchana is an establishment that does God proud, and the world will covet our achievements.
RamaRajya (spiritual complex) is not one of the resorts. It is the only resort. We are aiming big. We are acting fast. Our decisions are right. It is the result that is important and not projection. I am result oriented and am looking at ways and means for a more productive Samratchana.
Samratchana is actually not an organization. It is a model of Vasudeva Kudumbakam (the concept of the world as one family). Amidst spiritual establishments, Samratchana stands a class apart as a spiritual family, because it has mastered the art of volunteer service.
Samratchana is the center for self-realization, helping people become aware of their innate Divinity. Lack of material resources and lack of direction is deflecting people away from their divinity. Samratchana offers various facilities that cater to the needs of people making them healthier, self-sufficient leaders, so they can use their time to realize the Divinity that they are.
Samratchana has successfully eliminated the need for money as a resource as also the distinction of caste, creed, gender, materialistic station. There is no paid staff anywhere in this organization (I am using the term 'organization' because people seem to understand that better). Volunteers, who have understood My concept of Universal Love and the whole world being one family, render the various services during their leisure time. I never ask anyone to do service. I illustrate by doing it myself; I am the first volunteer of Samratchana. By observing me, people get drawn into serving everyone as God.
Samratchana is growing into a huge establishment. It is gaining international recognition. Keep watching! The time is soon coming when people will want to employ our Samratchana children. Already people are eager to take Samratchana girls as their brides. Samratchana children do not look down on any type of work. They maintain their houses well, they polish chappals. They do not entertain anger. They are very patient. So our children have a great demand in the marriage market.
So also, employers would want to employ Samratchana students (students of SushilHari International Residential School), because these children would be brought up well and capable of doing any type of work. They would have been trained on every skill necessary for a human being.
SushilHari School is here to bring out the best in your child. A highly interactive way of education, with more of video presentations and very little homework and examinations. Children after their schooling come out not just with academic knowledge but are also well versed in many other arts like Music, Dance, Instruments, Yoga, Veda, Meditation, Swimming, Sports and are also trained in handling small electrical, carpentry, mason work, day-to-day banking and insurance transactions etc., which are required for the practical day-to-day living.
The education is based more on a holistic ground than on only academic front. The child comes out as an independent and confident individual once out of SushilHari School.